by David Kohler | October 25, 2010 | OTTOMOTTO
I remember a discussion I had a while back with my friend Gus—who is from the Dominican Republic—about the U.S. Dollar. I was saying how nice I thought the Dominican currency was compared to the crappy the U.S. design. Gus pulled a U.S. Dollar out of...
by David Kohler | October 24, 2010 | OTTOMOTTO
Everyone is looking for a guaranteed process for innovation. Today, creative thinking is being taught everywhere from elite business schools to marketing workshops. The problem is this: There is no guaranteed process for innovation. Of course, there are tips and steps...
by Mike Mehiel | October 23, 2010 | OTTOMOTTO
Over the last couple of years Artisan is a word that has slowly crept into my life. I have consumed artisan water, artisan beer, artisan bologna, artisan bread, artisan cheese, artisan chicken and artisan bourbon. We’ve purchased artisan blankets, artisan baskets,...